Connie Willis
Oxford, futur proche. L'université est définitivement dépoussiérée : historien est devenu un métier à haut risque. Car désormais, pour étudier le passé, il faut le vivre. Littéralement.
Michael Davies se prépare pour Pearl Harbor, Merope Ward est aux prises avec une volée d'enfants évacués en 1940, Polly Churchill sera vendeuse en plein coeur du Blitz, et le jeune Colin Templer irait n'importe où, n'importe quand, pour Polly...
Ils sont aux premières loges. Une aubaine pour des historiens, sauf quand l'Histoire elle-même se met à dérailler. Et si, finalement, il était possible de changer le passé ?
« Ce roman étourdissant nous parle à la fois de souffrance et d'espoir... La plus belle réussite à ce jour de l'un de nos meilleurs écrivains de science-fiction. » The Denver Post
« Un tour de force. » The New York Times Book Review -
« Un thriller qu'on lit d'une traite. » Publishers Weekly
« L'évocation la plus saisissante de l'Angleterre pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale que l'on ait jamais écrite. » The Washington Post
« L'un des plus grands auteurs américains. » The Denver Post
Londres, 29 décembre 1940 : l'une des nuits les plus meurtrières du Blitz. Pris au coeur de l'un des pires raids de l'époque, les historiens du futur Michael, Merope et Polly cherchent désespérément à revenir au XXIe siècle. En attendant de trouver un moyen de s'échapper, le trio tente de survivre aux bombardements et aux évacuations, mais il y a plus grave encore : d'après les archives oxfordiennes de 2060, il semblerait que leurs interventions aient modifié le cours des événements... et la guerre pourrait bien se terminer autrement, bouleversant l'Histoire à jamais. Quelle que soit l'ampleur des sacrifices exigés, les voyageurs du futur doivent s'engager dans un combat acharné contre le temps... -
Briddey is about to get exactly what she thinks she wants . . .
Briddey is a high-powered exec in the mobile phone industry, overseeing new products from concept ('anything to beat the new apple phone') to delivery. And she works with her wonderful partner, Trent. They've been together for six magical weeks, in a whirlwind of flowers, dinners, laughter and now comes the icing on the cake: not a weekend away or a proposal but something even better. An EDD. A procedure which will let them sense each other's feelings. Trent doesn't just want to tell her how much he loves her - he wants her to feel it.
Everything is perfect.
The trouble is, Briddey can't breathe a word of it to anyone (difficult, when the whole office is guessing) until she's had two minutes to call her family. And they're hounding her about the latest family drama, but when they find out about the EDD - which they will - they'll drop everything to interrogate her. And it might just be easier to have the procedure now and explain later.
The race is on: not just for new, cutting-edge technology, but also for a shred of privacy in a public world and - for Briddey - a chance for love at the heart of it all.
This is a brilliant, heart-warming romantic comedy from one of the wittiest and wisest of our authors. Written with a light touch and a smile, we're swept up in Briddey's romance - and into the difficulties of a world just one technological step away from our own, as technology and social media blur (or indeed remove) the line between personal and public. -
Propulsé en 1940 à Londres par le professeur Dunworthy sans la moindre préparation, John Bartholomew intègre la brigade des veilleurs du feu, ces héros qui ont sauvé la cathédrale Saint-Paul des bombes allemandes... À cette époque, de nombreux Londoniens ont survécu au Blitz en se réfugiant dans le métro, dont plusieurs stations portent aujourd'hui encore de bien curieux stigmates... Et tandis que d'autres vont chercher la mort beaucoup plus loin, sur les rives antiques du Nil, certains accueillent en eux la présence des dieux à têtes d'animaux pour en faire un commerce fort lucratif.Neuf nouvelles et courts récits primés - parmi lesquels Les veilleurs du feu, préquelle au roman Black-Out et au cycle temporel -, qui donnent à voir un aperçu complet des talents de conteuse de Connie Willis.
Dr. Joanna Lander is a psychologist specializing in near-death experiences. She is about to get help from a new doctor with the power to give her the chance to get as close to death as anyone can.
A brilliant young neurologist, Dr. Richard Wright has come up with a way to manufacture the near-death experience using a psychoactive drug. Joanna's first NDE is as fascinating as she imagined - so astounding that she knows she must go back, if only to find out why that place is so hauntingly familiar.
But each time Joanna goes under, her sense of dread begins to grow, because part of her already knows why the experience is so familiar, and why she has every reason to be afraid.
Yet just when Joanna thinks she understands, she's in for the biggest surprise of all - a shattering scenario that will keep you feverishly reading until the final climactic page. -
Award-winning author Connie Willis returns with a stunning, enormously entertaining novel of time travel, war, and the deeds - great and small - of ordinary people who shape history.
Ned Henry is a time-travelling historian who specialises in the mid-20th century - currently engaged in researching the bombed-out Coventry Cathedral. He's also made so many drops into the past that he's suffering from a dangerously advanced case of 'time-lag'.
Unfortunately for Ned, an emergency dash to Victorian England is required and he's the only available historian. But Ned's time-lag is so bad that he's not sure what the errand is - which is bad news since, if he fails, history could unravel around him... -
Dans un futur pas si lointain, une intervention chirurgicale a été mise au point pour améliorer l'empathie dans le couple. Tous les amoureux en rêvent. Briddey Flannigan se réjouit quand Trent, son petit ami, lui propose cette opération avant leurs fiançailles : leur lien émotionnel s'en trouvera renforcé et la communication n'aura plus de secrets pour eux. Mais les choses ne se déroulent pas tout à fait comme prévu : bien malgré elle, Briddey se retrouve connectée à quelqu'un d'autre.C'est plus qu'elle n'en peut supporter, surtout avec le stress déjà engendré par une famille obsédée par la communication, de jour comme de nuit. Mais ce n'est qu'un début. Alors que la situation empire, Briddey commence à prendre conscience des inconvénients d'un excès d'informations. Elle comprend alors que l'amour - et la communication - s'avèrent bien plus complexes qu'elle ne l'imaginait...« Une critique de notre obsession pour les téléphones portables dans une future Amérique trop proche... Connie Willis y mêle adroitement connaissances scientifiques et personnages hauts en couleur. On obtient une histoire délicate et pleine d'humour où l'héroïne rencontre enfin le prince charmant. Willis juxtapose une réflexion salutaire sur l'ambiguïté des portables et sur la menace que les nouvelles technologies font peser sur l'éthique et la sphère émotionnelle. »Publishers Weekly« Vous pensez que les smartphones et les réseaux sociaux menacent votre intimité ? Imaginez que vous puissiez entendre les pensées des autres... et qu'on entende les vôtres. En plus de maîtriser habilement les ressorts de la comédie, Connie Willis critique la société moderne et nous propose une métaphore sur les joies et les dangers de la connexion humaine. Sous une autre plume, ce roman aurait pu être une succession de clichés, mais il n'en est rien grâce à l'intrigue prenante et à l'humour vivace de Connie Willis. »Kirkus Reviews
This new collection of stories from the multi-award-winning author of Doomsday Book and To Say Nothing of the Dog contains:
A Letter from the Clearys
At the Rialto
Death on the Nile
The Soul Selects Her own Society
Fire Watch
Inside Job
Even the Queen
The Winds of Marble Arch
All Seated on the Ground
Last of the Winnebagos
Ten stories - which have all won the Hugo Award, the Nebula Award or both - are compulsory reading for the serious science fiction fan. -
Winner of six Nebula and two Hugo awards for her fiction, Connie Willis is acclaimed for her gifted imagination and bold invention. Here are eleven of her finest stories, surprising tales in which the impossible becomes real, the real becomes impossible, and strangeness lurks at every turn.
The end of the world comes not with a bang but a series of whimpers over many years in "The Last of the Winnebagos."
The terror of pain and dying gives birth to a startling truth about the nature of the stars, a principle known as the "Schwarzschild Radius."
In "Spice Pogrom," an outrageous colony in outer space becomes the setting for a screwball comedy of bizarre complications, mistaken identities, far-too-friendly aliens - and even true love. -
Sandra Foster studies fads - from Barbie dolls o the grunge look - how they start and what they mean. Bennett O'Reilly is a chaos theorist studying monkey group behaviour. They both work for the HiTek corporation, strangers until a misdelivered package brings them together. It's a moment of synchronicity - if not serendipity - which leads them into a chaotic system of their own, complete with a million-dollar research grant, caffe latte, tattoos, and a series of unlucky coincidences that leaves Bennett monkeyless, fundless, and nearly jobless. Sandra intercedes with a flock of sheep and an idea for a joint project. (After all, what better animal to study both chaos theory and the herd mentality that so often characterizes human behaviour?) But scientific discovery is rarely straightforward and never simple, and Sandra and Bennett have to endure a series of setbacks, heartbreaks, dead ends, and disasters before they find their ultimate answer...
"Variety is the soul of pleasure," And variety is what this comprehensive new collection of Connie Willis is all about. The stories cover the entire spectrum, from sad to sparkling to terrifying, from classics to hard-to-find treasures with everything in between - orangutans, Egypt, earthworms, roast goose, college professors, mothers-in-law, aliens, secret codes, Secret Santas, tube stations, choir practice, the post office, the green light on Daisy's dock, weddings, divorces, death, and assorted plagues, from scarlet fever to "It's a Wonderful Life." And a dog.
Famous for her "sure-hand plotting, unforgettable characters, and top-notch writing," Willis has been called, "the most relentlessly delightful science fiction writer alive," and there are numerous examples here. Among them, Willis's most famous stories - the Hugo- and Nebula-Award-winning "Fire Watch" and "Even the Queen" and "The Last of the Winnebagos" - along with undiscovered gems like Willis's heartfelt homage to Jack Williamson, "Nonstop to Portales." Her magical Christmas stories are here, too, from "Newsletter" to "Just Like the Ones We Used to Know..." which last year was made into the TV movie, Snow Wonder, starring Mary Tyler Moore.
We've collected stories from throughout Willis's career, from early ones like "Cash Crop" and "Daisy, in the Sun," right up to her newest stories, including the wonderful "The Winds of Marble Arch." There's literally something for everyone here. If you're a diehard Willis fan, you'll be delighted with hard-to-find treasures like the until-now uncollected, "The Soul Selects Her Own Society..." If you've never read Connie Willis, this is your chance to discover "A Letter from the Clearys" and, well, "Chance." To say nothing of, "At the Rialto," the funniest story ever written about quantum physicists. And Willis's chilling, "All My Darling Daughters."
And...oh, there are too many great stories here to list and pleasures galore. So enjoy! -
For Jeff Johnston, a young historical researcher for a Civil War novelist, reality is redefined on a bitter cold night near the close of a lingering winter. He meets Annie, an intense and lovely young woman suffering from vivid, intense nightmares. Haunted by the dreamer and her unrelenting dreams, Jeff leads Annie on an emotional odyssey through the heartland of the Civil War in search of a cure. On long-silenced battlefields their relationship blossoms - two obsessed lovers linked by unbreakable chains of history, torn by a duty that could destroy them both. Suspenseful, moving and highly compelling, Lincoln's Dreams is a novel of rare imaginative power that strikes a chord deep within the hearts of us all.
Connie Willis is one of science fiction's most decorated authors, with a staggering eleven HUGOs and seven NEBULA AWARDs to her name. She is best known for her sequence of time-travel stories including SF Masterworks DOOMSDAY BOOK and TO SAY NOTHING OF THE DOG and the HUGO AWARD-winning diptych BLACKOUT and ALL CLEAR. This omnibus collects her solo debut, LINCOLN'S DREAMS, which won the JOHN W. CAMPBELL MEMORIAL AWARD and PASSAGE, shortlisted for the HUGO, NEBULA JOHN W. CAMPBELL and ARTHUR C. CLARKE AWARDs.
The world, as we know it, has changed considerably. A civil war is raging, between the eastern half of North America and the west. The latest methods of destruction are frightening, brutal, inescapable. They are called light raids - massive laser-beam assaults that are as effective as they are merciless.
Seventeen-year-old Hellene Ariadne, daughter of a prominent Western scientist, has been evacuated to Victoria for her protection. When the letters from her parents suddenly stop, Ariadne is forced to leave the safety of the North and return to her home in Denver Springs. There she finds her house in ruins, the city devastated by a huge light raid.
Ariadne assumes that her parents are dead. But the truth is much worse: her mother is in prison, accused of sabotage and treason, and her father is left helpless, an emotional cripple.
It is up to Ariadne to clear her mother's name. But, as she plunges deeper and deeper into a fatal web of intrigue and deception, she discovers that there are truths far more shocking than war, more devastating than the fiercest light raids... -
Planetary surveyors Fin and Carson battle hostile terrain, bureaucratic red tape, and renegade "planet crashers" in this latest novella by the talented author of Doomsday Book.
Connie Willis continues to demonstrate her endless versatility in this archly written satire, which is both a love story and a shameless expose of the dark side of political correctness. -
The winner of multiple Hugo and Nebula Awards, Connie Willis capture the timeless essence of generosity and goodwill in this magical collection of Christmas stories. These eight tales boldly re-imagine the stories of Christmas while celebrating the power of love and compassion. This enchanting treasury includes:
"Miracle", in which a young woman's carefully devised plans to find romance go awry when her guardian angel shows her the true meaning of love.
"In Coppelius's Toyshop", where a jaded narcissist finds himself trapped in a crowded toy store at Christmastime.
"Epiphany", in which three modern-day wise men embark on a quest unlike any they've ever experienced.
"Inn", where a choir singer gives shelter to a homeless man and his pregnant wife-only to learn later that there's much more to the couple than meets the eye.
And more . . . -
It has been fifteen years since Delanna Milleflores set foot on Keramos. Now her mother has died, and she has returned only to settle and sell her estate. But Keramos has some surprising laws. To sell her farm, Delanna must first live on it for one year. And along with her land comes one Tarlton Tanner, heir to the adjoining farm.
A man who, at the moment of her mother's death, became Delanna's husband... -
Winner of seven Nebula and eleven Hugo awards, Connie Willis is one of the most acclaimed and imaginative authors of our time. Her startling and powerful works have redefined the boundaries of contemporary science fiction.
Here in one volume are twelve of her greatest stories, including double award-winner "Fire Watch", set in the universe of Doomsday Book and To Say Nothing of the Dog, in which a time-travelling student learns one of history's hardest lessons. In "A Letter from the Clearys", a routine message from distant friends shatters the fragile world of a beleaguered family. In "The Sidon in the Mirror", a mutant with the unconscious urge to become other people finds himself becoming both killer and victim.
Disturbing, revealing and provocative, this remarkable collection of short fiction brings together some of the best work of an incomparable writer whose ability to amaze, confound and enlighten never fails. -
Mahali's rulers for generations were the water witches, who could feel the ebb and flow of precious water in their very bones. Then there was a coup, and control of Mahali's water passed to an impersonal computer network.
It was Deza's father who hit upon the scheme. Dressing his daughter in ceremonial garb, he passed her off as the last surviving member of the royal house. With tricks and illusions she and her father moved toward the centres of power.
But it's the nature of a con artist to go too far . . . -
It's the Hollywood of the future, where movie-making has been computerized and live-action films are a thing of the past. It's a Hollywood where Humphrey Bogart and Marilyn Monroe are starring together in A Star is Born, and if you don't like the ending, you can change it with the stroke of a key. A Hollywood of warmbodies and sim-sex, of drugs and special effects, where anything is possible. Except for what one starry-eyed young woman wants to do: dance in the movies. It's an impossible dream, but Alis is not willing to give up. With a little magic and a lot of luck, she just might get her happy ending after all.
BLACKOUT is the opening movement of a vast, absorbing two-volume novel that may well prove to be Connie Willis' masterpiece. Like her multi-award winning THE DOOMSDAY BOOK, this stunning new work marries the intricate mechanics of time travel to the gritty - and dangerous - realities of human history.
The narrative opens in Oxford, England in 2060, where a trio of time traveling scholars prepares to depart for various corners of the Second World War. Their mission: to observe, from a safe vantage point, the day-to-day nature of life during this critical historical moment. As the action ranges from the evacuation of Dunkirk to the manor houses of rural England to the quotidian horrors of London during the Blitz, the objective nature of their roles gradually changes. Cut off from the safety net of the future and caught up in the chaotic events that make up history, they are forced to participate, in unexpected ways, in the defining events of the era.
BLACKOUT is an ingeniously constructed time travel novel and a grand entertainment. More than that, it is a moving, exquisitely detailed portrait of a world under siege, a world dominated by chaos, uncertainty, and the threat of imminent extinction. It is the rare sort of book that transcends the limits of genre, offering pleasure, insight, and illumination on virtually every page. -
"A tour de force" - New York Times Book Review
"Ambitious, finely detailed and compulsively readable" - Locus
"It is a book that feels fundamentally true; it is a book to live in" - Washington Post
For Kivrin Engle, preparing an on-site study of one of the deadliest eras in humanity's history was as simple as receiving inoculations against the diseases of the fourteenth century and inventing a bullet-proof backstory. For her instructors in the twenty-first century, it meant painstaking calculations and careful monitoring of the rendezvous location where Kivrin would be received.
But a crisis strangely linking past and future strands Kivrin in a bygone age as her fellows try desperately to rescue her. In a time of superstition and fear, Kivrin finds she has become an unlikely angel of hope during one of history's darkest hours.
Winner of both the 1993 Hugo and Nebula Best Novel awards, this is a science fiction classic.
Read what everyone is saying about Doomsday Book:
'By the time I finished the book, I had the feeling I also spent time living with these medieval men, women and children. The novel is that powerful' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
'I can't stop thinking about Doomsday Book. I can't get the images out of my head. I can't get the train of thought out of my head. I can't stop my throat from tightening or my jaw from clenching' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
'I was fascinated by CW's take on time travel and the mirroring of the plague in the future with the past's Black Death, but moreover, the characters snuck up on me and tore my soul apart' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
'A lovely and heart-wrenching story, highly recommended. It's much more about the characters than the hard science. Kivrin's - and the villagers' - bravery in the face of death and tragedy hit me right in the heart' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
'This is the mostest bestest time travel novel ever written . . . Connie Willis is just too bloody good' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
'The strengths of this novel are its attention to Historical details, the engaging and believable characters suitable to an era and the dark but hopeful tones and themes of the story' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
'I read this book for the first time about six years ago and barely survived it, I was so involved in everything that was happening. Connie Willis is an amazing writer' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐