Ram V
Il y a un siècle, un portail s'est ouvert en Amérique Centrale.Des monstres géants, les Tetzas, sont apparus à travers ce passage et ont changé le monde tel que les humains le connaissaient... pour toujours.Anita Marr est la meilleure pilote d'Iron Kings, ces robots géants utilisés par les humains dans leur lutte contre les Tetzas. Sa vie bascule lorsqu'on lui propose de tester un tout nouveau prototype révolutionnaire...
Un album événement signé Ram V au scénario et le brillantissime Evan Cagle au dessin !
« Avec Dawnrunner, Ram V et Evan Cagle signent une oeuvre dense, visuellement sublime et thématiquement variée. » Le Mag du Ciné« Le livre idéal pour faire plaisir aux fans de science-fiction. » Jérôme Lachasse (BFMTV)« Maudit milk-shake constitue une porte d'entrée aisée mais également un prolongement pour les fans de Rick & Morty. » -
Toutes les morts de Laila Starr
Ram V., Felipe Andrade
- Urban Comics
- Urban Indies
- 6 Mai 2022
- 9791026847892
Mumbai, de nos jours. Mme Shah, en plein travail et coincée dans un embouteillage, hurle sur son mari au téléphone. Laila Starr, une jeune femme déjà fatiguée de tout, est allongée sur le rebord d'une fenêtre ouverte, plusieurs étages au-dessus du trafic. Et plus haut encore, bien au-delà des nuages, la déesse de la Mort est convoquée dans le bureau de son patron. Ces trois destins se rejoignent au moment où, simultanément Laila saute dans le vide, Mme Shah donne naissance à son fils Darius, et la Mort est renvoyée sans ménagement. Dans un futur, Darius est en effet celui qui découvrira le secret de l'immortalité et reléguera la Mort au rang de désagréable souvenir. Mais la Mort, incarnée dans le corps sans vie de Laila, compte bien retrouver sa place, même si elle doit pour cela éliminer le jeune Darius. Du moins, c'était le plan avant qu'un camion ne la fauche et qu'elle ne se retrouve à nouveau ressuscitée quelques années plus tard...
Eisner Awards du Meilleur Artiste MultimédiaJeune prodige du saxophone, Erik Dieter n'a jamais percé et enseigne la musique, loin de sa famille et de ses ambitions passées. De retour dans la maison de son enfance suite à la mort tragique de sa mère, il tombe sur une vieille photographie d'un musicien de jazz dans d'étranges circonstances, et sa vie bascule. Désormais, Erik n'a plus qu'une idée en tête : découvrir l'identité de ce mystérieux saxophoniste. Mais cette quête réveille en lui les démons de son ambition... De clubs de jazz en révélations sur le passé de sa mère, Erik sombre peu à peu dans la folie, obsédé par la poursuite du génie créatif et de la reconnaissance... jusqu'à y laisser son âme ?Whiplash meets William Burroughs meets James Baldwin.Ram V (These Savage Shores, The Many Deaths of Laila Starr, Swamp Thing) revient en force avec Blue In Green, thriller horrifique envoûtant et somptueuse ode au jazz. Un graphic novel d'une beauté incomparable porté par le style unique d'Anand RK (Grafity's Wall).« Blue In Green est l'un des livres les plus beaux et les plus touchants de l'année. »
Jeff Lemire (Sweet Tooth, Gideon Falls)« Audacieux, stylé et terrifiant tout à la fois. Faites-vous plaisir : installez-vous, mettez du Miles Davis en fond, et perdez-vous dans ce comics exceptionnel. »
AIPT« Blue In Green est un comics sombre et puissant, une quête personnelle et musicale qui marque les esprits. Un énorme coup de coeur ! »
ComicStories -
These savage shores
Vitorio Astone, Sumit Kumar, Ram V.
- HiComics
- HiComics
- 19 Août 2020
- 9782378872274
Sur les rives de l'Indus, les jours sont brûlants, et les nuits, pleines de crocs.1766. Deux siècles après l'arrivée du premier navire européen sur les côtes de Malabar et l'implantation des colons à Calicut, la Compagnie des Indes cherche à protéger ses intérêts économiques sur la Route de la Soie.Un vampire embarque sur un bateau de la Compagnie, dans l'espoir de redémarrer de zéro sur ces nouvelles terres prometteuses. Mais il comprendra vite que les rives de l'Indus abritent des démons et des créatures légendaires bien plus anciennes et plus puissantes que lui.A la croisée du drame historique et du thriller fantastique, These Savage Shores est une dénonciation brillante du colonialisme et de ses ravages, servie par un dessin d'excellence et une sensibilité remarquable.« These Savage Shores réunit un scénario, un dessin et des couleurs de très haut niveau, autour d'une histoire profonde et bien structurée, pleine de suspense. Du grand art. 10/10. » Comicsbookcase« Un fantastique mélange de drame historique et de thriller fantastique, par la meilleure équipe artistique de l'industrie du comics. » Big Comic Page« These Savage Shores déploie tous les visages de l'horreur et de la trahison, celle des individus, des armées ou des royaumes. » Major Spoilers« Un travail phénoménal. [...] Une histoire aussi belle que déchirante. » Comicsverse« These Savage Shores porte la voix de ceux à qui l'on donne peu la parole. [...] Un comics à lire absolument. » AiPT!
Carnage Tome 1 : dans la cour écarlate
Ram V., Francesco Manna, Roge Antonio
- Panini
- 1 Février 2023
- 9791039118620
Pendant des années, Cletus Kasady a été le seul hôte que le symbiote Carnage ait connu. Partageant un lien à la fois unique et terrifiant, ils ont incarné le duo de tueurs en série le plus célèbre et le plus meurtrier de tout l'univers Marvel. Mais à présent, le codex de Cletus a trouvé refuge ailleurs, laissant le symbiote Carnage à la dérive, seul... et plus létal que jamais. Voici le premier album de la nouvelle série Carnage écrite par Ram V (Venom) et illustrée par Francesco Manna (Ultraman) et Rogê Anto nio (She-Hulk). Retrouvez aussi une sélection d'histoires courtes qui célèbrent le trentième anniversaire de Carnage, réalisées notamment par David Michelinie, Ron Lim, Salvador Larroca et Phillip Kennedy Johnson. [CET ALBUM CONTIENT LES ÉPISODES CARNAGE (2022) 1 À 5 ET CARNAGE FOREVER (2022) 1.]
Dylan Brock se sent abandonné par son père alors qu'il mène un combat acharné pour survivre. Il est en effet la cible de la Fondation Life qui souhaite étudier son organisme exceptionnel. Mais, heureusement, Dylan peut compter sur son symbiote. Et, livré à lui-même, le jeune garçon est prêt à céder aux mêmes ténèbres que son père. Pendant ce temps, Eddie Brock doit s'habituer à sa nouvelle place aux confins du temps, auprès de l'ambivalent Meridius. Il est loin d'imaginer que sa bataille à travers le cosmos commence à peine et que Kang le Conquérant sera aux premières loges pour y assister. Les limites de Venom continuent d'être repoussées par Ram V, Al Ewing et Bryan Hitch, dans un récit original et époustouflant. [CET ALBUM CONTIENT LES ÉPISODES VENOM (2021) 6 À 10.]
Carnage Tome 2 : Descente aux enfers
Ram V, Francesco Manna, Roge Antonio
- Panini
- 23 Août 2023
- 9791039122184
UNE ODYSSÉE SANGLANTE VERS LE POUVOIR ABSOLU! Après avoir été séparé de son hôte Cletus Kasady, le symbiote Carnage poursuit sa croisade pour accéder à un pouvoir absolu. Accompagné du tueur en série l'Artiste, il chemine jusqu'à Hel, l'enfer asgardien, sur les traces de sa prochaine cible : Malekith le Maudit. Mais l'inspecteur Jon Shayde, hanté et guidé par la voix de Kasady, le précède... Sera-t-il en mesure de l'arrêter à temps ? Ram V (Venom), Alek Paknadel (Red Goblin), Rogê Antônio (She-Hulk) et Francesco Manna (The Rise of Ultraman) pavent la route menant au Règne de Carnage. [CET ALBUM CONTIENT LES ÉPISODES CARNAGE (2022) 6 À 12.]
VENOM FACE AU FUTUR... ET À LUI-MÊME ! Alors que la vie de son fils Dylan est en jeu, Eddie Brock, le Venom originel, a disparu. Devenu le Roi en Noir à la place de Knull, il est en réalité coincé dans un paradoxe temporel dans le Jardin du Temps de Meridius. Il est en compagnie de plusieurs versions de lui-même à différents moments de son futur. Tandis qu'Eddie cherche à s'échapper, Dylan explore un aspect inédit de la symbiose et en découvre plus sur son destin... Al Ewing (X-Men Red), Ram V (Carnage) et Bryan Hitch (Ultimate Invasion) réinventent Venom dans ce volume incluant, en plus, un épisode dessiné par Stefano Raffaele (Hawkeye). [CET ALBUM CONTIENT LES ÉPISODES VENOM (2021) 11 À 16 ET FREE COMIC BOOK DAY 2022: SPIDER-MAN/VENOM 1.]
Bio-valorization of Waste
Ram Prasad, Shachi Shah, V. Venkatramanan
- Springer
- 19 Février 2021
- 9789811596964
This book explores the concept and methods of waste management with a new approach of biological valorization. Waste valorization is a process that aims to reduce, reuse, and recycle the waste into usable, value-added, and environmental benign raw materials which can be a source of energy. The book brings together comprehensive information to assert that waste can be converted into a resource or a raw material for value addition. Waste valorization imbibes the natural recycling principles of zero waste, loop closing, and underlines the importance of sustainable and environmentally friendly alternatives. Drawing upon research and examples from around the world, the book is offering an up-to-date account, and insight into the contours of waste valorization principles, biovalorization technologies for diverse group of wastes including agricultural, municipal, and industrial waste. It further discusses the emerging paradigms of waste valorization, waste biorefineries, valorization technologies for energy, biofuel, and biochemical production. The book meets the growing global needs for a comprehensive and holistic outlook on waste management. It is of interest to teachers, researchers, scientists, capacity builders and policymakers. Also, the book serves as additional reading material for undergraduate and graduate students of biotechnology and environmental sciences.
Soft Computing and Signal Processing
Jiacun Wang, G. Ram Mohana Reddy, V. Kamakshi Prasad, V. Sivakumar Reddy
- Springer
- 16 Janvier 2019
- 9789811336003
The book presents selected research papers on current developments in the field of soft computing and signal processing from the International Conference on Soft Computing and Signal Processing (ICSCSP 2018). It includes papers on current topics such as soft sets, rough sets, fuzzy logic, neural networks, genetic algorithms and machine learning, discussing various aspects of these topics, like technological, product implementation, contemporary research as well as application issues.
The Mathematical Legacy of Srinivasa Ramanujan
M. Ram Murty, V. Kumar Murty
- Springer
- 5 Octobre 2012
- 9788132207702
Srinivasa Ramanujan was a mathematician brilliant beyond comparison who inspired many great mathematicians. There is extensive literature available on the work of Ramanujan. But what is missing in the literature is an analysis that would place his mathematics in context and interpret it in terms of modern developments. The 12 lectures by Hardy, delivered in 1936, served this purpose at the time they were given. This book presents Ramanujan's essential mathematical contributions and gives an informal account of some of the major developments that emanated from his work in the 20th and 21st centuries. It contends that his work still has an impact on many different fields of mathematical research. This book examines some of these themes in the landscape of 21st-century mathematics. These essays, based on the lectures given by the authors focus on a subset of Ramanujan's significant papers and show how these papers shaped the course of modern mathematics.
Sustainable Green Technologies for Environmental Management
Ram Prasad, Shachi Shah, V. Venkatramanan
- Springer
- 19 Février 2019
- 9789811327728
Our Earth is considered as a natural system which organizes and controls itself. However, the present scale of anthropogenic activity is unprecedented in the history of mankind compelling the intelligentia to ponder over the scientific causes of the problems, processes and sustainable and pragmatic solutions. The current rate of resource use and consumption pattern are depleting the planet's finite resources and damaging life-supporting ecosystems. A large number of toxic substances are increasingly found in air, water, soil, and flora and fauna. We are in the midst of a period of increasing interconnected and complex global challenges that seek action across temporal and spatial scales, diverse sectors, and concerted efforts from global citizens. The environment on account of human's action has been experiencing imbalances and ecological catastrophe. Environmental issues like global climate change, biodiversity loss, the rapid depletion of natural resources, degradation ofglobal commons, stratospheric ozone depletion have been restricting the safe operating space and transgressing the planetary boundaries endangering the existence of human societies. The global environmental problems if not scientifically managed may end up in the civilizational collapse. Nevertheless, the underlying commonality among these environmental issues is interrelatedness, complexity, and difficulty in identifying and implementing solutions. The global environmental challenges can be managed by adopting sustainable green technologies which dovetails the principles of environmental sustainability with social and ecological sustainability. Green growth is construed as a new development paradigm that sustains economic growth while at the same time ensuring environmental sustainability.
Global Climate Change and Environmental Policy
Ram Prasad, Shachi Shah, V. Venkatramanan
- Springer
- 11 Octobre 2019
- 9789811395703
Global climate change threatens human existence through its potential impact on agriculture and the environment. Agriculture is climate-sensitive, and climate variability and climate change have net negative impact on it. Additionally, the agricultural landscape is affected by monoculture and agro-biodiversity loss, soil fertility depletion and soil loss, competition from biofuel production, crop yield plateaus and invasive species. Nevertheless, the global agricultural production system has to meet the food demands from the growing human population, which is set to exceed 10 billion by 2050.
This book discusses the impacts of climate change on agriculture, animal husbandry and rural livelihoods. Further, since agriculture, forestry and other land-use sectors contribute about 10-12 gigatonnes of CO2-equivalent per year, it argues that agricultural policy must dovetail adaptation and mitigation strategies to reduce greenhouse gases emissions. This calls fora reformative and disruptive agricultural strategy like climate-smart agriculture, which can operate at all spatio-temporal scales with few modifications. The book also redefines sustainable agriculture through the lens of climate-smart agriculture in the context of the sustainability of Earth's life- support system and inter- and intra-generational equity. The climate-smart agriculture approach is gaining currency thanks to its inherent positive potential, and its goal to establish an agricultural system which includes "climate-smart food systems", "climate-proof farms", and "climate-smart soils". Climate-smart agriculture provides a pathway to achieve sustainable development goals which focus on poverty reduction, food security, and environmental health. -
Sustainable Bioeconomy
Ram Prasad, Shachi Shah, V. Venkatramanan
- Springer
- 6 Novembre 2020
- 9789811573217
Sustainable development is the most important challenge facing humanity in the 21st century. The global economic growth in the recent past has indeed exhibited marked progress in many countries. Nevertheless, the issues of income disparity, poverty, gender gaps, and malnutrition are not uncommon in the global landscape, in spite of the upward growth of the economy and technological advances. This grim picture is further exacerbated by our growing human population, unmindful resource use, ever-increasing consumption trends, and changing climate. In order to protect humanity and preserve the planet, the United Nations issued the "2030 agenda for sustainable development," which includes but is not limited to sustainable production and consumption practices, e.g. in a sustainable bioeconomy. The hallmark of the sustainable bioeconomy is a paradigm shift from a fossil-fuel-based economy to a biological-based one, which is driven by the virtues of sustainability, efficient utilization of resources, and "circular economy." As the sustainable bioeconomy is based on the efficient utilization of biological resources and societal transformations, it holds the immense potential to achieve the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. This book shares valuable insights into the linkages between the sustainable bioeconomy and Sustainable Development Goals, making it an essential read for policymakers, researchers and students of environmental studies.
Global Climate Change: Resilient and Smart Agriculture
Ram Prasad, Shachi Shah, V. Venkatramanan
- Springer
- 18 Septembre 2020
- 9789813298569
This book provides essential insights into methods and practices of `Climate-smart Agriculture,' which is driven by the principles of climate resilience and smart resource use in agricultural production. Climate-smart agriculture is a key policy instrument for achieving poverty eradication and a hunger-free world, as well as mitigating the effects of climate change. This book discusses in detail climate-smart agricultural technologies and practices that can reduce the vulnerability of agricultural systems, improve the livelihoods of farmers and other stakeholders, and reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from crop production and livestock husbandry.
The agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) sector produces roughly 10-12 gigatons of CO2-equivalent per year; therefore, sustainable practices for agriculture and related land use hold immense potential to mitigate climate change. The potential impacts of climate variability and climate change on agriculture areextensively documented and articulated, especially with regard to global and national environmental agendas that call for innovation, transformation and climate-resilient advances in agriculture. As the book demonstrates, climate-smart agriculture offers an excellent tool for boosting agricultural output to feed the growing global population; for reducing greenhouse gases emissions from agriculture and other land use; and for protecting agricultural production systems from the impending dangers of climate change. -
Exploring Synergies and Trade-offs between Climate Change and the Sustainable Development Goals
Ram Prasad, Shachi Shah, V. Venkatramanan
- Springer
- 16 Novembre 2020
- 9789811573019
The existential environmental crisis prompted the United Nations to formulate the Millennium Development Goals at the turn of the 21st century in order to embark on an era of sustainable development. The progress and deficiencies in achieving the Millennium Development Goals provided impetus to the intelligentsia and policymakers to map out the pertinent goals for a sustainable growth trajectory for humanity and the planet. The United Nations' 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which was adopted in September 2015, took the shape of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets. In effect, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals focus on protecting the earth's life support systems for intra- and inter-generational equity and for development that is rooted in sustainability science. Attaining these goals is an uphill task; nevertheless, scientific knowledge, trans and interdisciplinary inquiries, concerted global action and capacity building would provide an enabling environment for achieving the SDGs. This book explores the synergies and trade-offs between climate change management and other SDGs. It highlights the policy imperatives as well as the interrelations between combating climate change and its impacts (SDG 13) and food and nutritional security (SDG 2), water security (SDG 6), soil security (SDG 15), energy security (SDG 7), poverty eradication (SDG 1), gender equality (SDG 5), resilient infrastructure (SDG 9), and sustainable and resilient cities (SDG 11).
Designing Service Machines
Ram Babu Roy, Paul Lillrank, Sreekanth V. K., Ram Babu Torkki
- Springer
- 29 Juin 2018
- 9789811309175
This book presents a general conceptual framework to translate principles of system science and engineering to service design. Services are co-created immaterial, heterogeneous, and perishable state changes. A service system includes the intended benefit to the customer and the structure and processes that accomplish this benefit. The primary focus is on the part of the service system that can reproduce such processes, called here a Service Machine, and methodological guidelines on how to analyze and design them. While the benefit and the process are designed based on the domain knowledge of each respective field, service production systems have common properties. The Service Machine is a metaphor that elicits the fundamental characteristics of service systems that do something efficiently, quickly, or repeatedly for a defined end. A machine is an artifact designed for a purpose, has several parts, such as inputs, energy flows, processors, connectors, and motors assembled as per design specifications. In case of service machine, the components are various contracts assembled on contractual frames. The book discusses Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and Emergency Departments (ED) as cases. They illustrate that service machines need to be structured to adapt to the constraints of the served market acknowledging the fact that services are co-created through the integration of producers' and customers' resources. This book is highly recommended for those who are interested in understanding the fundamental concepts of designing service machines.