Theodore Sturgeon
Renvoyé de l'école à l'âge de huit ans pour avoir mangé des fourmis en cachette, Horty fuit la demeure de ses parents adoptifs qui le martyrisent et trouve refuge au sein d'un cirque ambulant où il devient le partenaire de deux naines, Zena et Bunny. Mais les personnages les plus extraordinaires du cirque restent son féroce directeur, surnommé le Cannibale, et son étrange collection de cristaux : des pierres aux pouvoirs mystérieux et néanmoins gigantesques.
Pour Tousseul, idiot congénital et analphabète, la vie n'est qu'une fuite éperdue loin du regard des hommes. Il ne s'arrête que pour mendier ou dérober de la nourriture, avant de trouver un jour refuge au coeur de la forêt. C'est là qu'il va construire la plus étonnante famille qu'on puisse imaginer, avec un groupe d'enfants aux dons étranges. Autant de personnalités que rien ne destinait à se rencontrer, mais qui ensemble forment les « plus qu'humains », une entité presque parfaite d'un ordre supérieur...
Killdozer is the third volume of a series of the complete short stories from Theodore Sturgeon's career. It contains a few of his best and most famous short stories: "Medusa," "Killdozer " and "Mewhu's Jet." The series editor Paul Williams has dug into the background of each story, and come up with a lot of interesting lore about Sturgeon. Especially of interest in this volume is the alternative original ending to "Mewhu's Jet."
All alone: an idiot boy, a runaway girl, a severely retarded baby, and twin girls with a vocabulary of two words between them. Yet once they are mysteriously drawn together this collection of misfits becomes something very, very different from the rest of humanity.
This intensely written and moving novel is an extraordinary vision of humanity's next step.
First published in 1952, More Than Human won the Retro Hugo Award for Best Novel. -
The Ledom had made a world without war, without fear - a world in which each individual was free to love, to create, to explore . . .
The Ledom, a gentle and kindly new race, made their twentieth-century guest, Charlie Johns, welcome to their paradise.
Charlie thought he was in heaven. But then he found out just where - and when - he was . . . an Eden turned into a nightmare! -
This is the strange tale of Horty, a little boy who ran away from home and took refuge in the bizarre world of the carnival. With him went his favourite toy - an old jack-in-the-box whose jewelled eyes sparkled and shone, hypnotic in their brilliance.
And among the freaks and oddities of the sideshows he found friends - 'jewel' people like him, who tried to protect him from the terrible secret of his existence . -
It came from outer space . . .
The Medusa, the intergalactic conqueror, a hive-like being with a consuming appetite to absorb all life in the universe.
Now the Medusa had reached Earth. It had taken control of its first human being. Through him it would possess all his fellows.
But there was one thing the Medusa had not reckoned on. One tiny factor in the complex human equation. A desperate last chance for the stubborn and independent creature known as Man to save himself . . . -
Baby Is Three is the sixth volume in the series devoted to the complete works of one of science fiction's titans. Like others in the series, this one includes extensive notes and background information on each story by editor Paul Williams. The early 1950s, during which this material was written, was the beginning of Sturgeon's greatest creative period. The title story for this collection was later expanded into the International Fantasy Award winning novel More Than Human. Sturgeon's whimsical, sardonic sense of humor lifts his work out of the mundane realm of genre science fiction. This wide-ranging collection shows precisely why he has been cited as a primary influence by authors as varied as Stephen King, Ray Bradbury, and Carl Sagan.
Sci-fi master Theodore Sturgeon wrote stories with power and freshness, and in telling them created a broader understanding of humanity-a legacy for readers and writers to mine for generations. Along with the title story, the collection includes stories written between 1953 and 1955, Sturgeon's greatest period, with such favorites as "Bulkhead," "The Golden Helix," and "To Here and the Easel."
Written between 1955 and 1957, the 15 stories in And Now the News... include five previously uncollected stories along with five well-known works, two co-written with genre legend Robert A. Heinlein. Spanning his most creative period, these tales show why Theodore Sturgeon won every science fiction award given.
Army psychiatrist Philip Outerbridge receives a confidential folder containing the letters, memos, and transcripts for a young soldier named George Smith - a quiet young man with a terrible past and a shocking secret. As Outerbridge conducts George's therapy, he gradually discovers the truth about George's traumatic childhood, his twisted romance with an older woman named Anna, and the unusual obsession George keeps hidden from the world.
From "one of the greatest writers of science fiction and fantasy who ever lived" (Stephen King) here is a masterpiece of fiction - a haunting, meaningful and at times erotic novel that describes a wonderous transformation that takes place in an American town when a charismatic, Christ-like figure mysteriously appears in its midst.
Godbody - sweetly innocent, as naked of guile as he is of worldly trappings - has returned to remind mankind of what it has lost. He will touch only a few lives before his preordained end, but they will be forever transformed. As one by one the members of a small rural town fall under Godbody's spell, the burdens that had weighed down on them disappear, and a new vision of life as it can - and should - be suddenly reveals itself to them. -
This book contains ten major stories by the master of science fiction, fantasy, and horror written during the 1960s. The controversial "If All Men We re Brothers, Would You Let One Marry Your Sister?" shows the author's technique of "ask the next question" used in a way that shatters social conventions. "When You Care, When You Love" offers a prescient vision of the marriage of deep obsessive love and genetic manipulation, written long before actual cloning techniques existed. "Runesmith" constitutes a rare example of Sturgeon collaborating with a legendary colleague, Harlan Ellison. Included also are two other rarities: two detective stories and a Western that showcase Sturgeon's knack for characterization and action outside his usual genre. "Take Care of Joey" has been read as an allusion to the complex personal relationship between Sturgeon and Ellison, while "It Was Nothing, Really!" hilariously skewers the mores of the military-industrial complex. As always, these stories demonstrate not only Sturgeon's brilliant wordplay but also his timeliness, with "Brown-shoes" and "The Nail and the Oracle" standing out as powerful commentaries on the use and abuse of power that might have been written yesterday.
The second volume of the Complete Short Stories of Theodore Sturgeon covers his prolific output during 1940 and 1941, after which he suffered five years of writer's block. Showcasing Sturgeon's early penchant for fantasy, the first six selections include whimsical ghost stories, such as "Cargo," in which a World War II munitions freighter is commandeered by invisible, peace-loving fairies. With the publication of his enduring SF classic, "Microcosmic God," Sturgeon finally found his voice, combining literate, sharp-edged prose with fascinating speculative science while recounting the power struggle between a brilliant scientist, who creates his own miniature race of gadget makers, and his greedy banker. Voice found or not, every one of the stories here is readable and entertaining today because of Sturgeon's singular gifts for clever turns of phrase and compelling narrative. As Samuel R. Delaney emphasizes in an insightful introduction, Sturgeon was the single most influential SF writer from the 1940s through the 1960s.
Theodore Sturgeon was a model for his friend Kurt Vonnegut's legendary character Kilgore Trout, and his work was an acknowledged influence on important younger writers from Harlan Ellison and Robert Silverberg to Stephen King and Octavia Butler. His work has long been deeply appreciated for its sardonic sensibility, dazzling wordplay, conceptual brilliance, memorable characters, and unsparing treatment of social issues such as sex, war, and marginalized members of society. Sturgeon also authored several episodes of the original Star Trek TV series and originated the Vulcan phrase "Live long and prosper."
This twelfth volume of his complete short stories includes classic works such as the award-winning title story, which won both the Hugo and Nebula Awards in 1971, as well as "Case and the Dreamer," a well-crafted tale of an encounter with a trans-spatial being that is also a meditation on love, and "The [Widget], the [Wadget], and Boff," a creative exploration of the human ability to achieve self-realization in response to crisis. -
James Blish called him the "finest conscious artist science fiction ever produced." Kurt Vonnegut based the famous character Kilgore Trout on him. And such luminaries as Harlan Ellison, Stephen King, and Octavia Butler have hailed him as a mentor. Theodore Sturgeon was both a popular favorite and a writer's writer, carving out a singular place in the literary landscape based on his masterful wordplay, conceptual daring, and narrative drive. Sturgeon's sardonic sensibility and his skill at interweaving important social issues such as sex-including gay themes-and war into his stories are evident in all of his work, regardless of genre.
Case and the Dreamer displays Sturgeon's gifts at their peak. The book brings together his last stories, written between 1972 and 1983. They include "The Country of Afterward," a sexually explicit story Sturgeon had been unable to write earlier in his career, and the title story, about an encounter with a transpatial being that is also a meditation on love. Several previously unpublished stories are included, as well as his final one, "Grizzly," a poignant take on the lung disease that killed him two years later. -
The fifth of ten volumes that will reprint all Sturgeon's short fiction contains fifteen classics and two previously unpublished stories, including "Quietly." The Perfect Host provides enough of a representative sampling of Sturgeon's "greatest hits" to give the uninitiated a good sense of what all the fuss was about way back when. At the same time, it offers a generous selection of alternate takes and rarities, notably several of Sturgeon's best forays into other forms of genre writing, plus previously unreleased cuts and liner notes.
Kurt Vonnegut cites Theodore Sturgeon as the inspiration for his character Kilgore Trout. This volume includes 12 stories from 1953, considered Sturgeon's golden era. Among them are such favorites as the title story, "The Silken-Swift," "A Way of Thinking," "The Dark Room," "The Clinic," and "The World Well Lost," a story known for being very ahead of its time in advocating gay rights.
By the winner of the Hugo, the Nebula, and the World Fantasy Life Achievement Awards, this latest volume finds Theodore Sturgeon in fine form as he gains recognition for the first time as a literary short story writer. Written between 1957 and 1960, when Sturgeon and his family lived in both America and Grenada, finally settling in Woodstock, New York, these stories reflect his increasing preference for psychology over ray guns. Stories such as "The Man Who Told Lies," "A Touch of Strange," and "It Opens the Sky" show influences as diverse as William Faulkner and John Dos Passos. Always in touch with the zeitgeist, Sturgeon takes on the Russian Sputnik launches of 1957 with "The Man Who Lost the Sea," switching the scene to Mars and injecting his trademark mordancy and vivid wordplay into the proceedings. These mature stories also don't stint on the scares, as "The Graveyard Reader"-one of Boris Karloff's favorite stories-shows. Acclaimed novelist Jonathan Lethem's foreword neatly summarizes Sturgeon's considerable achievement here.
This fourth volume of Theodore Sturgeon's Complete Stories publishes the work of 1946-1948, wen Sturgeon's early popularity among science fiction readers crystallized into a lasting reputation among a wider group of readers. "Maturity" and "Thunder and Roses" are the best-known of the stories in this period. "It Wasn't Syzygy" display's Sturgeon's interest in psychological themes. "The Professor's Teddy Bear" is an early prototype of the modern "horror story" as practiced by Clive Baker, Stephen King and many others.
In these years Sturgeon was recovering from the failure of his first marriage and a severe case of "writer's block". In March 1947 his luck turned around: a story he had failed to sell earlier won a short story contest sponsored by the prominent British magazine, Argosy, with the then-enormous prize of $1000. Later Sturgeon credited this event for restoring his faith in himself as a writer. The same year "Maturity" and "Thunder and Roses" were received with tremendous enthusiasm by his peers. Ray Bradbury, a few years short of his own success, wrote to Sturgeon in February 1947:
"Ted, I hate you! a damned nice story. Your sense of humour, sir, is incredible. I don't believe you've written a bad story yet; I don't think you ever will. This is not log-rolling, by God; I only speak the truth. I predict you'll be selling at least six stories a year to Collier's and The Post before long. You have the touch." A month later, the day he learned he'd won the contest, Sturgeon wrote to his ex-wife, "It's more than a thousand dollars. The curse is off with me. My faith in [the story's] quality and my own is restored, and I don't think that I shall ever again experience that mystic diffidence and childish astonishment when one of my stories sells or is anthologized. I know now why they do, and I'm proud of it, and I know how to use it."
This fourth volume also features a major "undiscovered" story, "Wham Bop!", from an obscure youth magazine in 1947. It may be one of the finest fictional portraits of a 1940s jazz band in American letters.
Additional delicacies awaiting the Sturgeon fan in Thunder and Roses are his first Western Story, "Well Spiced", and a UFO saga, "The Sky Was Full of Ships", written in 1947 and set in the Southwest. It could well be the true story of the Roswell incident. -
The Ultimate Egoist, the first volume of The Complete Stories of Theodore Sturgeon, contains the late author's earliest work, written from 1937 to 1940. Although Sturgeon's reach was limited to the lengths of the short story and novelette, his influence was strongly felt by even the most original science fiction stylists, including Ray Bradbury, Arthur C. Clarke, and Gene Wolfe, each of whom contributes a laudatory foreword. The more than 40 stories here showcase Sturgeon's masterful knack with clever, O. Henry-ish plot twists, sparkling character development, and almost archetypal, why didn't I think of that? story ideas. Early Sturgeon masterpieces include "It," about the violence done by a creature spontaneously born from garbage and mud, and "Helix the Cat," about an inventor's bizarre encounter with a disembodied soul and the cat that saves it. Sturgeon's unique genius is timelessly entertaining.